Click below to see some of the techniques and concepts you'll learn
This tutorial contains 24 lessons and nearly 6 hours of video content. Plus additional, copyright free reference photos you can use to practice all of the techniques you learn!
Drawing white fur against a contrasting background can make your subject pop off the page. I show you exactly how I create a smooth, jet black background that will really make this cat come to life. Not literally... he won't scratch your furniture.
These first six lessons give you all the techniques and concepts you will need successfully complete the subjects:
Animal Fur vs Human Hair - Everything you need to know about the differences between rendering human hair and animal fur.
Plus - The major mistakes many artists are making that keep
it from looking realistic.
Getting the Most From Reference Photos - Learn some tricks
of the trade to turn bad reference photos into good ones
Plus - The free tool
you can use if you don't have Photoshop.
Choosing the Best Paper - The paper you choose to draw on
will have more impact on the outcome of your drawing than anything else.
Plus -
Learn how to analyze your subject to help you choose the best paper for the
Indenting: - Learn this technique and the tools I use that
magically creates a realistic looking fur texture.
Plus - How to practice this
to insure it is successful on your drawing.
Eraser Pen: - We don't add white with a pencil so you'll learn how to use this for creating white hairs and highlights.
Plus - Where this technique will work and where it won't.
Frisket: - Create more depth by adding this new technique, coupled with the techniques from the previous two lessons.
Plus - Alternative methods if you don't have access to frisket.
Subject 1: Dachshund / Short Fur - Combine all
the techniques leaned in the first 6 lessons and begin this drawing.
10 lessons take you from the basic outline to the final touches!
Subject 2: White Cat on Dark Background:
A three part series of lessons teaching all the techniques and steps you need to know to render soft white fur with a dark background.
Subject 3: Black Dog with Longer Fur on White Background.
Follow along to learn how to draw this subject with amazing texture and contrast.
Lesson - Dark Spots Next to Light Fur: I show how to render dark spots on white fur. This technique can be used to draw all types of spotted and striped animals!
Extra Reference Photos: I have added new high quality reference photos for you to use to practice everything you've learned!
A Few Testimonials From Happy Pencil Artists
Your Purchase Also Includes:
Don't let your inability to draw realistic looking fur
bring down the quality of your pet portraits!
For a very short time
Only $77